Carolingian Cooks Guild
thumbnail Rice a la Lombardy Baked*
Original Source: Scappi, Opera
To make a Food of Rice a la Lombardy Baked.
Take rice cleaned in the abovewritten manner, & cook it in broth in which have been cooked, capons, geese & sausage, & cooked which it will be of the manner which it would be tough, take one part of this rice, & put it in a big dish of earth, or silver, or pewter, & dust it with w/ cheese, sugar, & cinnamon, & put over this rice some little bits of fresh butter, & chicken breast meat, & geese & sausage cut in pieces, & dust it w/ cheese, sugar, & cinnamon. In this manner make 3 layers, & the fianl one with be bathes w/ fresh melted butter, & dusted w/ the same composition, & put it in the oven which would not be too hot, & let it go to stand for half an hour until it takes a little color, & sprinkle it w/ rose water, & serve hot. It is possible to accommodate this rice in another manner that is, cooked which it shall be grease the dish w/ butter & put there slices of fresh cheese not salted, dusted w/ sugar & cinnamon & grated cheese, & over these put the rice, & over the rice put raw fresh egg yolks according to the quantity of rice, having therefore made hollows in the rice where the yolks are put, & over these yolks put more slices of cheese dusted w/ sugar, cheese, & cinnamon, & then cover it w/ more rice. In this manner can be made 3 & 3 layers, & in the final put a little butter over, & make it to stand on the hot cinders, or in the oven as above, & serve hot.

thumbnail Rice Mondé*
Original Source: Digby, The Closet Opened
Boil a quart of Milk in a large Pipkin; as soon as it boileth, take it from the fire, and instantly put into it five or six good spoonfuls of picked Rice, and cover it close, and so let it stand soaking in the chinmey-corner two hours. Then set it on the fire again to make it stew or boil simperingly for an hour, or an hour and a half more till it be enough. Then put sugar to it, and so serve it.

thumbnail Sandragen*
Original Source: MS Royal 12.C.xii
Almond milk and rice, and good ground ginger and sugar, the color of sandragon.

thumbnail Tart of Rice*
Original Source: The Good Huswifes Jewell
Boil your rice, and put in the yolks of 2 or 3 eggs into the Rice, and when it is boiled, put it into a dish(?) and season it with suger, cinamon and ginger and butter, and the juice of 2 or 3 oranges, and put it on the fire again.