Savoury Collops of Veal*
Original Source: Digby, The Closet Opened
Cut a Leg of Veal into thin Collops, and beat them well with the back of a Knife. Then lay them in soak a good half hour in the yolks of four eggs, and the whites of two very well beaten, and a little small shreded Thyme mingled with it; then lay then in the Frying-pan, wherein is boiling Butter, and pour upon them the rest of the Eggs, that the Collops have not Imbibed, and carry with them, and fry them very well, turning them in due time. Then pour away all the Butter, and make them a Sauce of Gravy seasoned with Salt and Spice, and juyce of Orange at last squeesed upon them.
Veal with Pine Kernels Sauce*
Original Source: Apicius, De Re Coquinaria
Another sauce for boiled veal: pepper, lovage, fennel seed, oregano, pine kernels, date, garum, mustard and oil