Carolingian Cooks Guild
thumbnail Gourd a la Catalanne -- CHECK*
Original Source: Platina
Put a gourd, which the Catalans call carabazum, into a pot on the hearth with some Lard after you have cleaned it well. Leave it to boil for four hours and stir it often with a spoon. Then season the sauce with rich juice and saffron, sugar and spices.

There are those who blend in two beaten eggs with verjuice and grated cheese and add these, as we said above.

About the gourd; this is agreeable.

thumbnail Gourdes in Potage*
Original Source: Forme of Cury
Take young Gowrd pare hem and kerue hem on pecys. cast hem in gode broth. and do þ(er) to a gode p(er)tye of Oynons mynced. take Pork soden, grynd it and alye it þ(er)wt and wiþ zolkes of ayren. do þ(er) to safron and salt. and messe it forth with powdo(er) douce.