Carolingian Cooks Guild
thumbnail Orange Marmelade*
Original Source: Hugh Platt, Delights for Ladies
To make marmelade of oranges or lemons
Take 10 lemons or oranges, & boil them with halfe a dozen pippins, and so draw them thorow a strainer: then take so much sugar as the pulp do weigh, and boile it as you doe Marmelade of quinces, and then boxe it up.

thumbnail Preserved Orenges*
Original Source: Gud Husuif bk 1 (Falconwood)
To preserveoe Orenges. You must cut your Orenges in halfe and pare them a little round about, and let them lye in water foure or five dayes, and you must chaunge the water once or twice a day, and when you preserve them, you must have a quarte of faire water to put in your Suger, and a little Rosewater, and set it on the fire, and scum it verye cleane, and put in a little Sinamon, and put in your Orenges, and let them boyle a little while, and then take them out againe, and doe so five or sixe times, and when they be enough, put in your Orenges and let your sirrope stande till it bee colde, and then put your sirrop into your Orenges.

thumbnail Tarte of Apples and Orange Pilles*
Original Source: The Good Huswives handmaid for Cookerie in her kitchen
Take your orenges and lay them in water a day and a night, then seeth them in faire water and honey and let seeth till they be soft; then let them soak in the sirrop a day and a night; then take forth and cut them small and then make your tart and season your apples with suger, synamon and ginger and put in a piece of butter and by a course of apples and between the same course of apples a course of orenges, and so, course by course, and season your orenges as you seasoned your apples with somewhat more sugar; then lay on the lid and put it in the oven and when it is almost baked, take Rosewater and sugar and boyle them together till it be somewhat thick, then take out the Tart and take a feather and spread the rosewater and sugar on the lid and let it not burn.