Carolingian Cooks Guild
thumbnail Buttered Eggs*
Original Source: Thomas Dawson, The Good Housewife's Jewel part 2
Take eight yolks of eggs, and put them into a pint of cream. Beat them together and strain them all into a posnet, setting upon the fire and stirring it. Let it seeth until it quaile, then take it and put it into a clean cloth, and let it hang so that the whey may void from it. When it is gone, beat it into a dish of rosewater and sugar with a spoon. So shall you have fine butter. This done, you may take the white of the same eggs putting it into another pint of cream, using it as the yolkes were used. And thus you may have as fine white butter as you have yellow butter.

thumbnail Buttered Whitings with Eggs*
Original Source: Kenelme Digbie, The Closet Opened
Buttered Whitings with Eggs
Boil Whitings as if you would eat them in the Ordinary way with thick Butter-sauce. Pick them clean from skin and bones, and mingle them well with butter, and break them very small, and season them pretty high with salt. In the mean time Butter some Eggs in the best manner, and mingle them with the buttered Whitings, and mash them well together. The Eggs must not be so many by a good deal as the Fish. It is a most savoury dish.

To Butter Eggs with Cream
Take to a dozen of Eggs a pint of cream; beat them well together, and put three quarters of a pound of Butter to them, and so set them on the fire to harden, and stir them, till they be as hard, as you would have them.

thumbnail Egges in Moneshine
Original Source: A Proper Newe Booke of Cookerye
To make egges in moneshyne.

Take a dyche of rosewater and a dyshe full of suger, and set them upon a chaffyngdysh, and let them boyle, than take the yolkes of .viii. or .ix. egges newe layde and putte them therto everyone from other, and so lette them harden a lyttle, and so after this maner serve them forthe and cast a lyttle synamon and sugar upon them.

thumbnail Eggs Poached in Wine Sauce*
Original Source: Apicius, De Re Coquinaria
Eggs poached in wine sauce
Grind together oregano, celery seed (or lovage) and pepper. Combine with onion, wine, and salt, and pour into a pan. Bring to a boil, then simmer. Carefully add eggs and poach according to taste.
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