Apple Pufs*
Original Source: John Murrell, A New Booke of Cookerie
TAKE a pomewater or any other Apple that is not hard, or harsh in taste: mince it small woth a dozen or twenty Razins of the Sunne: wet the Apples in two Egges, beat them all together with the back of a knive of a Spoone. Season them with Nutmeg, Rosewater, Sugar, and ginger: drop them into a Frying-pan with a spoone, fry them like egges, wring or the juyce of an Orenge, or Lemmon, and serve them in. |
Fast Day Pancakes (Nalesniki Postne)*
Original Source:
No original provided
Light Frayse*
Original Source: Elinor Fettiplace's Receipt Book
To Make a Light Frayse
Take wheten flower and cold water if you make 4 frayses put in eight eggs whights and yelkes you must beate yt very well togther and make yt no thicker than thick Creame put nutmegge salte and ginger therein, then let yor butter bee scaldinge hott in yor pan and powre in your Batter, as yt doth begin to bake stirr yt wth a knife untill yt will frye without stickinge, then turne yt in a dish and fry the other side until yt be enough. |