Carolingian Cooks Guild
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Fast Day Pancakes (Nalesniki Postne)*

Categories: Pancake   Poland  
Secondary Source:Maria Dembinska, Food and Drink in Medieval Poland
Meeting Date:2012-03-18

No original provided


1/2 cground almonds
1-1/2 Tbspoppy seeds
1/4 tspground cardemom
feta cheese


2whole eggs
1egg white
1/2 ccream
1/2 csour cream
1/4 tsp.salt
3-1/2 Tbsbarley flour
2-1/2 Tbsspelt flour


Vegetable oil


  1. Combine filling ingredients. Set aside.
  2. Beat eggs and yolk, add cream & sour cream. Mix dry ingredients, then add egg mixture.
  3. Heat some oil in a frying pan. Pour batter and make a large pancake. Use a metal spatula to flip. Set aside when done.
  4. Spread filling mixture on pancake and roll it up. Drizzle with honey and stick in oven until warm.


Used 1/2 printed redaction.
Added some poppy seed to batter and did not sprinkle more on top.
Used less cheese than called for, could you more if it's not too salty.
Pancakes best folded enchilada-style, not burrito-style.
Used Millet instead of Barley for Cooks Guild trial