Aliter Dulcia (Another Sweetmeat)
Original Source: Apicius, De Re Coquinaria
Coelius Apicius: De Opsoniis et condimentis sive arte coquinaria
Recipe no. 295 Aliter Dulcia (Another sweetmeat) Grate some very best aphros and immerse in milk. When saturated place in the oven to heat but not to dry out; when thoroughly hot retire from oven, pour over some honey, stipple so that the honey may penetrate, sprinkle with pepper and serve. |
Another Sausage*
Original Source: Apicius, De Re Coquinaria
Work cooked wheat berries and finely chopped fresh meat together, pound with pepper, garum and pignolia. Fill the casings, parboil and fry with salt, serve with mustard, or you may cut the sausage in slices and serve on a round dish.
Boiled Beets*
Original Source: Apicius, De Re Coquinaria
Boiled Beets: They are served nicely with mustard, a bit of oil, and vinegar.
Dulcia Domestica et Melcae (Homemade Sweets)*
Original Source: Apicius