Carolingian Cooks Guild
thumbnail Almond Puddings*
Original Source: Elinor Fettiplace's Receipt Book
To make almond puddings
Take a pound of almonds blanch them in cold water, then beat them verie smale, then put to the some crums of white bread, and the yelks of six eggs and some rose water and some sugar, and some mace, cut smale, & some thick cream warmed, & some biefe suet, cut smale, mingle all these together, & fill the gutts, & so boile them.

thumbnail Bagge Puddinge*
Original Source: Elinor Fettiplace's Receipt Book
To Make a Bagge Pudinge
Take thicke Creame and make yt somewhat hotter then bloud warme, then take halfe a dossen egges and beate them well and mingle them with your Creame then ad to yt a little parsely and winter savory cut very smale and some nutmegges suger and a little salte then put to yt as much Crumes of bread and fine flower as will make yt thicker then Batter for pan-Cakes, then wett your bagge in cold water and put yt in and when your water boyles put him into yt, yt must not bee boyled with meate but alone in fayre water.

thumbnail Barley Pudding*
Original Source: Digby, The Closet Opened
Take two Ounces of Barley pick'd and washed; boil it in Milk, till it is tender; then let your Milk run from it; Then take half a Pint of cream, and six spoonfuls of the boiled barley; eight spoonfuls of grated bread, four Eggs, two whites taken away. Spice as you please, and Sugar and Salt as you think fit, one Marrow-bone, put in the lumps as whole as you can; Then make Puff-paste, and rowl a thin sheet of it, and lay it in a dish. Then take Cream, grated bread, your Spice, Sugar, Eggs and Salt; beat all these very well together half a quarter of an hour, pour it on your dish where Citron is, then cover it over with puff-paste, and let it bake in a quick oven three-quarters of an hour. Scrape Sugar on it, and serve it up.

thumbnail Blauncht Manchet in Frying Pan*
Original Source: John Murrell, A New Booke of Cookerie
TAKE halfe a dozen egs, halfe a pint of sweet Creame, a penny manchet grated, a nutmeg grated, two spoonfuls of Rosewater, two ounces of suger: Worke all stiffe like a Pudding: then fry like a Tansey in a very little frying Pan, that it may be thicke: fry it browne, and turn it out upon a plate. Cut it in quarters and serve it like a pudding: scrape on Sugar.
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