Carolingian Cooks Guild
thumbnail Cressee (crisscross of noodles)*
Original Source: MS B.L. Additional 32085
Here is another dish, which is called cressee. Take best white flour and eggs, and make pasta dough; and in the pasta dough put find choice ginger and sugar. Take half of the pastry, (which is or should be) colored with saffron, and half (which is or should be) white, and roll it out on a table to the thickness of your finger; then cut into strips the size of a piece of lath; stretch it out on a table as illustrated; then boil in water; then take a slotted spoon and remove the cressees from the water; then arrange them on, and cover them with, grated cheese, add butter or oil, and serve.

thumbnail Cuskynoles*
Original Source: Diuersa Cibaria
45 A mete þat is icleped cuskynoles. Make a past tempred wiþ ayren, & soþþen nim peoren & applen, figes and reysins, alemaundes & dates; bet am togedere & do god poudre of gode speces wiþinnen. & in leynten make þi past wiþ milke of alemaundes. & rolle þi paste on a bord, & soþþen hew hit on moni parties, & vche an pertie beo of þe leyngþe of a paume & an half & of þþreo vyngres of brede. & smeor þy paste al of one dole, & soþþen do þi fassure wiþinnen. Vchan kake is portiooun. & soþþen veld togedere oþe 3eolue manere, ase þeos fugurre is imad: & soþþe boille in veir water, & soþþen rost on an greudil; & soþþen adresse.

A dish that is called cuskinoles: Make a paste with eggs. Take pears, apples, figs, raisins, almonds, dated. Beat them together & do good powder of good spices with in. (In Lent, make the paste with almond milk). Roll the paste on a board. Cut it in many parts, and each part be the length of a palm & a half, & three fingers of breadth. Smear the paste on one portion & then do the stuffing within(­?). Each one cake is portion(?). Then fold together in the oblong/yule(?) manner, as this figure is made: Then boil in good water, & then roast on a griddle; then address.

thumbnail Devised meat after the Romane manner* -- CHECK
Original Source: Epulario or The Italian Banquet
To make a devised meat after the Romane manner
Take white flour, and make paste of it somewhat thicker than a pancake, and roule it about a staffe, then take out the staffe, then cut the past in peeces of the length of thy little finger, whereby they will be hollow like a pudding and round or close, them seeth them in fat broth or in water as time serveth, but the broth or water must boile when you put them in. And if you seethe them in water put a little sweet Butter and salt it, and when they are sod, dish them with Cheese, Butter, and spices.

thumbnail Macaroni*
Original Source: Platina, De Honesta Voluptate et Valetudine
White flour, moistened with the white of an egg and rosewater, should be well ground. Roll this into slender bits like a straw, stretched to the length of half a foot. With a very think iron stylus, scrape out the middle. Then, as you remove the iron, you leave them hollow. Then, spread out just so, and dried in the sun, they will last for two or three years. Indeed especially if they are made in the month of the August moon. They should be rolled in rich juice and poured into dishes and sprinkled with grated cheese, fresh butter and mild herbs, This dish needs to be cooked for two hours.
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