Carolingian Cooks Guild
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Cressee (crisscross of noodles)*

Categories: Pasta   English   13th century  
Original Source:MS B.L. Additional 32085
Secondary Source:'Two Anglo-Norman Culinary Collections'
Meeting Date:1996-09-22

Here is another dish, which is called cressee. Take best white flour and eggs, and make pasta dough; and in the pasta dough put find choice ginger and sugar. Take half of the pastry, (which is or should be) colored with saffron, and half (which is or should be) white, and roll it out on a table to the thickness of your finger; then cut into strips the size of a piece of lath; stretch it out on a table as illustrated; then boil in water; then take a slotted spoon and remove the cressees from the water; then arrange them on, and cover them with, grated cheese, add butter or oil, and serve.


5 c.flour
1/4 c.sugar
2 Tbs.fresh ground ginger


  1. Knead by hand
    run out on pasta machine setting 1
    lay out in lattice, use egg white as glue


for color
1. heat saffron with water or use saunders

for 2 colors
2. use egg whites for 1/2 of batch
egg yolks for other 1/2"
3. double amt of ginger