Carolingian Cooks Guild
thumbnail Roo Broth*
Original Source: Utilis Coquinaria
Ro broþe we to þe some seruyse. Tak venysoun & wasch it & culpoun it in a fynger broede & perboyle it; & þan tak it vp & streyne þe broth & do water to þe venysoun, & pike it clene, & put it into þe broath & sette it ouer þe feere, & do þerto salt & percely & ysope & sauerey & pudere of peper, & lat seþe ti it be tendre, & do þerto poudre of coloure & of maces & canel & quibibes, but lok it no3t to hot.

thumbnail Roo in a Sewe*
Original Source: Liber Cure Cocorum
Take tho roo, pyke hit clene forthy;
Boyle hit thou shalt and after hit drye;
Hew hit on gobettis, that ben smalle,
Do hit in pot withalle;
Kest wyn therto, if thou do rygt,
Take Persole and sawge and ysope brygt,
Wasshe hom and hew hom wondur smalle,
And do therto hit thou schalle,
Coloure hit with blode or sawnders hors.