Ahrash of Fish
Original Source: An Anonymous Andalusian Cookbook of the 13th Century
Take a large fish, like the qantûn and the fahl or one like them, scale it and boil it in water and salt, then take it out and remove the backbone and the bones, then pound it until it becomes like the meat of meatballs. Add wheat flour or ground ka'k (biscotti) and the amount of egg needed to gather with it and make it cohere, and pepper, coriander seed, spikenard, cinnamon, some juice from a crushed onion, juice of mint, some juice of murri naqî' and oil, beat it all together until it melts and blends. Then you make ahrash and thin breads the size of a fist or less; make meatballs with it in the form of a fish, fry this ahrash in the frying pan with a lot of oil until it browns, then boil a sauce of vinegar, oil and pounded garlic, that you pour on top.
Badhinjan Bi-Laban (Eggplant with Milk)*
Original Source: al-Baghdadi, Kitab al-Tabikh
Take medium-sized, egg-plants, cut off the leaves and half the stalks, and half boil in salt and water: then remove, and dry well. Throw into milk and garlic. Refine fresh sesame-oil, add a little cumin and coriander, and into this place the egg-plant. Sprinkle with some blattes de Bysance and sesame, and serve.
Badhinjan Muhassa (Eggplant Relish)*
Original Source: al-Baghdadi, Kitab al-Tabikh
Baqili bi-Khall (Beans with Vinegar)*
Original Source: al-Baghdadi, Kitab al-Tabikh
Take green beans as soon as firm, and peel off the outer skin: then boil in salt and water until cooked. Dry, and pour on a little sesame-oil: cover with good vinegar, and serve.