Fried Spinach*
Original Source: Scappi, Opera dell'arte del cucinare
To Fry Spinach
Take tender spinach, wash it & let it drain through a colander. Have a frying pan w/ hot oil, and add the spinach and a very little bit of salt, & toss them with a long spoon. As they are cooked, add raisins, pepper, cinnamon, citron juice or verjuice, and a little cooked new wine, and bring them to a boil, and serve it hot. |
Fried Toste of Spinage*
Original Source: Thomas Dawson, Second Part of the Good huswives Jewell
To Make Fried Toste of Spinage
Take Spinnage and seethe it in water and salt, and when it is tender, wring out the water betweene two trenchers, then chop it smal and set it on a Chafing-dish of coles, and put therto butter, small Raisons, Cinamon, Ginger, and sugar, and a little of the iuyce of an Orenge and two yolks of rawe Egges, and let it boile til it be somewhat thicke, then toste your toste, soake them in a little Butter and Sugar, and spread thinn your spinnage upon them, and set them on a dish before the fire a little while, & so serve them forth with a little sugar upon them. |
Fritters of Spinnedge*
Original Source: Thomas Dawson, The good husvvifes Iewell
To make Fritters of Spinnedge
Take a god deal of Spinnedge, and washe it clean, then boyle it in faire water, and when it is bouled, then take it forth and let the water runne from it, then chop it with the backe of a knife, and then put in some egges and grated bread, and season it with suger, sinamon, ginger, and peper, dates minced fine and currans, and rowle them like a ball, and dippe them in Batter made of ale and flower. |
Isfanakh Mautajjan*
Original Source: al-Baghdadi, Kitab al-Tabikh
Take spinach, cut off the lower roots, and wash: then boil lightly in salt and water, and dry. Refine sesame-oil, drop in the spinach, and stir until fragrant. Chop up a little garlic, and add. Sprinkle with fine-ground cumin, dry coriander, and cinnamon: then remove.