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Fried Spinach*

Categories: Vegetable   16th century   Italian   spinach  
Original Source:Scappi, Opera dell'arte del cucinare
Secondary Source:Clara Beaumont translation
Cook:Clara Beaumont
Meeting Date:2006-04-23

To Fry Spinach
Take tender spinach, wash it & let it drain through a colander. Have a frying pan w/ hot oil, and add the spinach and a very little bit of salt, & toss them with a long spoon. As they are cooked, add raisins, pepper, cinnamon, citron juice or verjuice, and a little cooked new wine, and bring them to a boil, and serve it hot.


10 oz.spinach
olive oil
grape juice


  1. Put a small amount (~2 cups) grape juice in a saucepan, & boil it down by about 2/3.
  2. Rinse & drain spinach, Heat a deep frying pan with enough olive oil to cover the bottom. Add the spinach; toss & stir as it cooks (you may need to add the spinach in batches to fit it). Add salt while the spinach cooks.
  3. Once it is cooked, add a few grinds of pepper, a handful of raisins, and enough verjuice & boiled down grape juice to half cover the spinach (I used about 2 parts verjuice to 1 part grape juice), and a hearty dash of cinnamon. Boil everything until it is reduced a little and thickened. Serve hot.


Should probably use must instead of just juice
Next time I will actually figure actual amounts!