Crustad Lumbard*
Original Source: Beinecke MS 163
And on fisch days boyle wardons tendyr, or othir perys; pare hem & hole hem at the crown. Fil hem full of blaunch poudyr & turne yn the poudyr of gynger that the poudyr lefe theryn; & set hem in cofyns, & the stalkes upward. & yf thu wilte, thu may turne hem that they be hid yn bature & fry hem or thu couch hem. Let no flesch come therto. Make thy syripe of thicke mylke of almondys. Make up thy crustardys as thu dedyst on flesch days. When they be bake, yf thu wilte, thu may gylte the stalkys of the perys; & serve hem forth.
Pear Puree*
Original Source: Ein Buch von guter Spise
Ein Birnmus
Wilt du machen ein birnmus. so nim birn und besnit die schoene. und siude sie in einem hafen mit eyme wine. und mit smaltze und durchgeslagen durch ein tuch und derwelle sie denne mit eyers totern. daz ist gar gantz do. A Pear Puree Do you want to make a pear puree. So take pears and cut them fine. And boil them in a pot with a wine and with fat and pound through a cloth and, he who wants then with egg yolks. That is very whole to do. |
Peeres in Confyt*
Original Source: Forme of Cury
Peeres in Confyt. Take peeres and pare hem clene. Take gode rede wyne & mulberes oþer saundres and seeþ þe peeres þerin & whan þei buth ysode, take hem up, make a syryp of wyne greke. oþer vernage with blaunche powdour oþer white sugur and powdour gyngur & do the peres þerin. seeþ it a lytel & messe it forth.
Perys en Composte*
Original Source: Harleian MS. 279
Take Wyne an Canel (cinnamon), & a gret dele of Whyte Sugre, an set it on þe fyre & hete it hote, but let it nowt boyle, an draw it þorwe a straynoure; þan take fayre Datys, an pyke owt þe stonys, an leche him alle þinne, an caste þer-to; þanne take Wardonys (warden pears), an pare hem and sethe hem, an leche him alle þinne, & caste þer-to in-to þe Syryppe; þanne take a lytil Sawnderys, and caste þer-to, an sette it on þe fyre; an gif þow hast charde quynce, caste þer-to in be boyling, an loke þat it stonde wyl with Sugre, an wyl lyid wyth Canel, an caste Salt þer-to an let it boyle; an þan caste yt on a treen (wooden) vessel & let it kele, & serue f(orth).