Carolingian Cooks Guild
thumbnail Blaunche Porre*
Original Source: Arundel MS 334
Take the clene white of lekes wel wasshed, and sethe hom; and when thai byn sothen, draw oute the green pith, that is within, and them presse oute the water, and hak hom smal, and bray hom, and in the brayinge alay het with thik almond mylk; and then seth it, and cast therto sugre, and maker hit sumquat rennynge; and when het is sothen and dressed up in dissches, the cast sugar above, and serve it forthe.

thumbnail Funges*
Original Source: Forme of Cury
Take funges and pare hem clene and dyce hem, take leke and shred hym small and do hy to seep in gode broth, color it with safron and do y inne powdo fort.

thumbnail Funges*
Original Source: Forme of Cury
Take funges and pare hem clene and dyce hem; take leke and shrede hym small and do hym in seeþ in gode broth. Colour it with safroun, and do þerinne powdour fort.

thumbnail Puree with Leeks*
Original Source: Ein Buch von guter Spise
A puree with leeks. Take white leek and cut small and mix well with good almond milk and with rice meal and boil that well and do not oversalt.

Ain mus mit lauche. Take wizzen lauch und hacke in cleine und mengez wol mit guter mandel milich und mit rise mele und daz siude wol und versaltz niht.