Pottage of Cherries*
Original Source: A.W., A Book of Cookrye
To make pottage of Cherries
Fry white bread in butter til it be brown and so put it into a dish, then take Cherries and take out the stones and frye them where you fried the bread then put thereto Sugar, Ginger, and Sinamon, for lacke of broth, take White or Claret Wine, boyle these togither, and that doon, serve them upon your Tostes. |
Sauce of Fresh Cherries*
Original Source: Scappi, Opera
To make a sauce of fresh cherries
Take 4 lbs of fresh roman cherries not too much done, and make them cook in an earthen pot with a foglietta of clear verjuice, and 2 ounces of gingerbread fine, and 4 of crumbs of bread, a little salt, a pound of sugar, an ounce between pepper, cloves, cinnamon, and nutmeg, and as it will be cooked pass everything by a sieve, and let it go to cool again, and serve it. |