Carolingian Cooks Guild
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Roo in a Sewe*

Categories: English   15th century   Meat   venison  
Original Source:Liber Cure Cocorum
Secondary Source:
Meeting Date:0000-00-00

Take tho roo, pyke hit clene forthy;
Boyle hit thou shalt and after hit drye;
Hew hit on gobettis, that ben smalle,
Do hit in pot withalle;
Kest wyn therto, if thou do rygt,
Take Persole and sawge and ysope brygt,
Wasshe hom and hew hom wondur smalle,
And do therto hit thou schalle,
Coloure hit with blode or sawnders hors.


1 lb.venison
1 tsp.sage
1 tsp.hyssop
2 tsp.fresh parsley
1-1/2 wine
~1 tsp.honey
~1/4 tsp.salt


  1. Bring water to boil, parboil venison - 5 min.

  2. Cut venison into small pieces (3/4" square)
  3. Put in pot with broth.
  4. Add spices.
  5. Simmer
  6. Stir occasionally
  7. Adjust seasoning to taste


Use venison leg at suggestion of my butcher. Cooked slightly & then removed gristle, etc.

I would use less hyssop next time.

About $12.00 for 4 servings

Good over frumenty.

Needs more work on seasoning - might add additional spices based on Harleian xxij.