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Aliter Dulcia (Another Sweetmeat)

Categories: Dessert   Roman  
Original Source:Apicius, De Re Coquinaria
Secondary Source:Vehling translation
Cook:Tamara Iz Kieva
Meeting Date:1976-05-22

Coelius Apicius: De Opsoniis et condimentis sive arte coquinaria

Recipe no. 295 Aliter Dulcia (Another sweetmeat)

Grate some very best aphros and immerse in milk. When saturated place in the oven to heat but not to dry out; when thoroughly hot retire from oven, pour over some honey, stipple so that the honey may penetrate, sprinkle with pepper and serve.


5 lb.peaches
2 10 oz.medium or heavy cream
1/4 - 1/2 c.honey
3 - 4egg whites


  1. Scrape peaches and slice into dish. (If freestone, arranging halves would be attractive. If peaches are not in season, drain canned peaches thoroughly and boil slices a few minutes to remove all traces of syrup.)
  2. Sprinkle peaches with powdered nutmeg and cloves to taste.
  3. Blend well (do not whip): egg whites, cream and honey.
  4. Pour liquid mixture over peaches.
  5. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 to 45 minutes, depending on how thick you wish the cream to be.


aphros are probably apricots or peaches
pepper is any agreeable spice