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Light Frayse*

A Light Frayse
A Light Frayse
Categories: English   Pancake   17th century  
Original Source:Elinor Fettiplace's Receipt Book
Secondary Source:
Cook:Morwenna Westerne
Meeting Date:2007-04-22

To Make a Light Frayse

Take wheten flower and cold water if you make 4 frayses put in eight eggs whights and yelkes you must beate yt very well togther and make yt no thicker than thick Creame put nutmegge salte and ginger therein, then let yor butter bee scaldinge hott in yor pan and powre in your Batter, as yt doth begin to bake stirr yt wth a knife untill yt will frye without stickinge, then turne yt in a dish and fry the other side until yt be enough.


2 Tbs.flour
1 Tbs.water
1/4 tsp.ginger
several scrapesnutmeg
1/8 tsp.salt
1 Tbs.butter


  1. Beat eggs, add water & flour, beat, add spices. Batter should be fairly thin.
  2. Melt butter in small pan (8") over highish heat. When sizzling, pour in batter. When brown on bottom, flip. Cook until brown on other side.


Puffs up a lot.
Eggs - fresh chicken eggs from Cassandra
Flour - whole wheat
Make sure to use a lot of butter.
Good. Could make at Pennsic.