Carolingian Cooks Guild
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Gourdes in Potage*

Categories: Vegetable   English   14th Century   squash  
Original Source:Forme of Cury
Secondary Source:
Cook:Ailís inghean Muirgen
Meeting Date:2004-11-21

Take young Gowrd pare hem and kerue hem on pecys. cast hem in gode broth. and do þ(er) to a gode p(er)tye of Oynons mynced. take Pork soden, grynd it and alye it þ(er)wt and wiþ zolkes of ayren. do þ(er) to safron and salt. and messe it forth with powdo(er) douce.


2 lb."fuzzy squash" from oriental market
2medium onions, sliced
1 quartchicken broth
2egg yolks
diced prosciutto


  1. Cooked squash, onions, broth together with pepper till squash was tender.
  2. Temper in egg yolks.
  3. Add salt and healthy dose of saffron.
  4. Added diced prosciutto.


Used "fuzzy squash" from oriental market. Looked like large healthy zucchini.

Should have used boiled pork?