Carolingian Cooks Guild
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Rice Mondé*

Categories: 17th century   grain   French   rice  
Original Source:Digby, The Closet Opened
Secondary Source:
Cook:Constance de St. Denis
Meeting Date:2005-09-17

Boil a quart of Milk in a large Pipkin; as soon as it boileth, take it from the fire, and instantly put into it five or six good spoonfuls of picked Rice, and cover it close, and so let it stand soaking in the chinmey-corner two hours. Then set it on the fire again to make it stew or boil simperingly for an hour, or an hour and a half more till it be enough. Then put sugar to it, and so serve it.


1 quartwhole milk
7 tablespoonsrice (not measuring spoons)
4 teaspoonssugar (not measuring spoons)


  1. Boil the milk, add the rice and let stand for 2 hours covered. Simmer on low heat for a bit less than an hour, stirring continuously. Stir in sugar and remove from heat. Serve with cinnamon if desired.


I used real tea and table spoons rather than measuring spoons.