Carolingian Cooks Guild
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Apple Moyse*

Categories: English   16th century   apples   fruit  
Original Source:Thomas Dawson, The Good Huswife's Jewell, Book 1
Secondary Source:
Meeting Date:0000-00-00

To make Apple moyse
Roste your apples, and when they be rosted, pill them and straind them into a dish, and pare a dozen od apples and cut them into a chafer, and put in a little white wine and a little butter, and let them boile till they be as soft as Pap, and stirre them a little, and straine them to some wardens rosted and pilled, and put in Suger, Synamon and Ginger, and make Diamonds of Paste, and lay them in the Sunne, then scrape a little Suger uppon them in the dish.


12sm. apples: 9 to chafe, 2 to roast
2pears to roast
1/4 c.butter
2 c.white wine
3 c.sugar
1 Tbs.cinnamon
1 tsp.ginger


  1. Roast 3 apples & pears at 350°F 1 hour.

  2. Peel & chop 9 apples, put into a shallow pan with butter & 1/2 cup wine - cook over low heat ~30 minutes until mushy "like pap". adding wine as needed.
  3. Peel & core apples & pears that have been roasted.
  4. Mash all through a strainer.
  5. Mix with sugar, cinnamon, ginger. It is now applesauce.
  6. Spread into shallow pans and bake at ~200°F until leathery.


Looks like a fruit leather.