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Butterd Loaves

Categories: English   17th century   Baked goods  
Original Source:Elinor Fettiplace
Secondary Source:
Cook:Morwenna Westerne
Meeting Date:2014-02-23

To Make Butterd Loaves
Take the top of the morning's milk, warme it, & put therto three or fowre spoonfulls of rose water, then run it, & when it is hard come, take some flower, the yolkes of two eggs, the white of one, & some melted butter, & some sugar & some nutmeg, them temper all this together with the milk, & mould it up into loaves, then set them on papers, & so bake them, if you make five loaves as big as manchets, you must put half a pound of butter to them, when they are baked, straw some sugar over them & so serve them.


1/2 lb.cheese curds
2egg yolks
1egg white
1/4 lb(1 stick) butter, melted
1/2 cupsugar
12 oz.flour (Marian\'s manchet mix)
3-4 tsp.rosewater

Marian's manchet mix

9 oz.all purpose flour
2 oz.cake flour
3/4 oz.whole wheat flour
1/4 oz.rye flour


  1. Chopped up cheese curds (mashing did nothing). If I was using rose water, I would have added it here.
  2. Beat eggs with sugar, added to cheese. Added melted butter and then flour. If I had remembered to add the nutmeg, a few gratings would go here.
  3. Molded into 4 oz. mini-manchets. Scored around the waist. Placed on Silpat on baking pan.
  4. Bakes at 400F for 25 min. Strewed with sugar & nutmeg. Served hot.


Forgot to add nutmeg to dough, so sprinkled some on top. Skipped rosewater as there is a general dislike.

Quite good. Best served straight from the oven or split & toasted.