Carolingian Cooks Guild
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Sour Scramble with Meat*

Categories: 14th Century   Arabic   eggs   Meat   lamb  
Original Source:al-Kitab Wasf al-At'ima al-Mu'tada (The Description of Familiar Foods)
Secondary Source:Charles Perry, Medieval Arab Cookery
Cook:Justin du Coeur
Meeting Date:2012-03-18

Boil meat and tear it up. Then take it and slake it in a little lemon juice and wine vinegar and put it on the fire until half dries up, and take it away. Then break eggs and throw spices in them. Then boil sesame oil on the fire, and when it boils, throw the meat into the eggs and beat it all well, and fry it in the tajine, and scramble them well until they please you.


1 lb.lamb roast
1lemon, sqozen (~2 Tbs. juice)
8 wine vinegar
1/8 tsp.cinnamon (Ceylon)
1/4 tsp.fresh ground black pepper
1/2 tsp.ground corriander
2 oz.unrefined seasme oil


  1. Boil the lamb in water, ideally until you can shred it. (I ran out of time and took it out after 1.5 hrs; 2 hrs would have been better.)
  2. Shred, put over the fire with the lemon and vinegar. I cooked that until mostly dry, while adding spices to the eggs.
  3. Add the meat to the eggs while the sesame oil heats.


Actually, don't boil longer. General opinion was that it is better with chunky lamb, Reduce the wine vinegar to 4 Tbs, and increase the lemon a bit. Double the spices, add salt at table.