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Almond Milk to Drink Before Supper*

Categories: 17th century   Beverage  
Original Source:Elinor Fettiplace's Receipt Book
Secondary Source:The Complete Receipt Book of Ladie Elynor Fetiplace volume 2
Cook:Morwenna Westerne
Meeting Date:2010-12-12

To make almond milk to drink before supper.

Take french barligh water & put to it some of the mornings creame, & some mase & sugar candy, so let it boile together, then have almonds blanced, & beaten, & straine them with this licour, & so drink it an hower before supper.


1/2 c.barley water
1/2 c.whole milk
3 bladesmace
1/4 oz.rock candy
2 Tbs.slivered almonds


  1. Simmered together barley water, milk, mace, & candy until sugar dissolved.
  2. Ground almonds & added to hot liquid.
  3. Strain & serve.


Used milk because out of cream. Used Chinese rock sugar because we had some.

Sweet, could use regular white sugar?

Could have more almond flavor.

Very tasty. Everyone agreed, just worth drinking.