Carolingian Cooks Guild
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Broom Flower Sauce*

Categories: 15th century   Italian   Sauce  
Original Source:Maestro Martino, Libro de Arte Coquinaria
Secondary Source:
Cook:Constance de St. Denis
Meeting Date:2006-03-16

Take some almonds, and saffron and egg yolks and the almonds must be peeled and crushed as they ought to be; thin and pass through a stamine with some good verjuice; adding some crushed ginger.


1/2 c.almonds
1/8 c.verjuice
1egg yolk (hard boiled)
1 pinchsaffron
2 pinchesginger powder


  1. Grind almonds, add mushed up egg, add ginger, add saffron and mix all with verjuice and pass through the sieve.