Carolingian Cooks Guild
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Categories: Vegetable   English   15th century   peas  
Original Source:Harleian MS. 4016
Secondary Source:Two Fifteenth Century Cookbooks in Cariadoc collection
Cook:Dante de Felice
Meeting Date:1995-02-13

Perre. Take grene pesyn, and boile hem in a potte; And whan they ben y­broke, drawe the broth a good quantite thorgh a streynour into a potte, And sitte hit on the fire; and take oynons and parcelly, and hewe hem small togidre, And caste hem thereto; And take ponder of Canell and peper, and caste thereto, and lete boile; And take vynegur and pouder of ginger, and caste thereto; And then take Saffron and salte, a litull quantite, and caste thereto; And take faire peces of paynmain, or elles of such tendur brede, and kutte hit yn fere mosselles, and caste there-to; And then serue hit so forth.

Perre. Take green peas, and boil them in a pot; and when they be broken, draw the broth a good quantity through a strainer into a pot, and sit it on the fire; and take onions and parsely, and cut them small togethere, and cast them thereto; and take cinnamon and pepper, and cast thereto, and let boil; and take vinegar and ginger and cast thereto; and then take saffron and salt, a little quantity, and cast thereto; and take faire pieces of white bread, or else of such tender breade, and cut it in fair morsels, and cast thereto; and then serve it so forth.


1lg bag peas
2small onions or 1 meg/lg
1/4 c.parsely, chopped
1/2 tsp.cinnamon
pepper - 1/2 tsp ground
3 Tbs. - 1/4 c.vinegar
1 tsp.ginger
5-7 threadssaffron
1/2 tsp.salt
1/4 c.breadcrumbs


  1. Take 1 lg bag frozen peas. Boil in a pot w/ ~2 cups water fro about 1/2 hour to 45 minutes.
  2. Add ~1 1/2 cups chopped onion and a fistful (?1/3cup) chopped fresh parsley. After 15 minutes, smash the peas (?potato masher? ricer, blender, food processor).
  3. Add spices (grind saffron w/ salt) and 1/4 cup bread crumbs. Cook on low for 10-15 minutes more.
  4. Cook on low for 10-15 minutes more.


I'd start w/ dried peas & skip the pounding smashing step, This would mean cooking the peas longer. I'd try seasoning at start of cooking.