Carolingian Cooks Guild
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Made Dish of Artechokes*

Categories: Vegetable   English   16th century   artichokes  
Original Source:Thomas Dawson, The Good Huswifes Jewell
Secondary Source:
Cook:Johanna Dudley
Meeting Date:0000-00-00

To make a made dish of Artechokes.
Take your Artechokes and pare away all the top even to the meate and boyle them in sweete broth till they be somewhat tender, and then take them cut, and put them into a dishe, and seethe them with Pepper, synamon and ginger, and then put in your dishe that you meane to bake them in, and put in Marrowe to them good store, and so let them bake, and when they be baked, put in a little Vineger and butter, and sticke three or foure leaves of the Artechokes in the dish when you serve them up, and scrape Suger on the dish.


1 boxfroz. artichoke hearts (10 oz., I think)
1/2 tsp.each pepper, cinnamon, ginger
1/4 c.white wine vinegar
2 Tbs.butter
1 Tbs.sugar


  1. Put all ingredients except sugar in microwave dish and cook according to directions on artichoke box or microwave manufacturer's instructions.
  2. Spoon liquid over tops of artichokes and sprinkle them with sugar.


I substituted frozen artichoke hearts for whole fresh artichokes and used butter in place of marrow.

Was looking for quick Elizabethan vegetable recipes for Much Ado @ Nothing Event.

Moderately expensive -- fresh artichokes are seasonal.

Not suggested for a feast. Probably costs too much.

Artichoke lovers will be intrigued by this dish, but it probably wouldn't go over well at a feast. The sugar garnish takes a bit of getting used to!